Carl Slagel Paula Slagel Smallmouth Bass Softshell Turtles Brooke Brooke Brooke Beaver Greatblue Heron One of many Eagles Ernie Crawford Tom Bailey going for a swim Birthday Party Bailey Family Beaver Mark Nicole and family Friendship Float John Porter soggy Baby Eagles More eagles Annette Guess Who ? Hint Ribs n Bones river clean up day State Games lands Double Kayak Which Kayak is Mine ? All boats get cleaned If you briing your own boat it gets washed out she fell asleep tired girl she must have paddled the whole way! waterfront camping Practic getting back in a kayak At our campground Muskrat Paddlers from all walks of life winter is here Easy in Easy out Many Deer live here Plenty of Pike Scouts setting up Tents Helen Manning Fawns Becca Osborne Time to hit the water Foggy Morning Fall has Fell Look Close its a mink Coyotes live here also Harmless watersnakes I get to Fish now and then Brooke with her pal Hey who took my kayak! creek clean up Jeff Osborne doing his part Proud to fly our flag Laying eggs Follow mom Prince in waiting Dragonflies are good luck Brooke and Tom Sunset Hellbender